Can You Die Of Love?

Can you die of love?

Love is one of the strongest feelings there is. The emotional ties that can be established with the loved one can even change all those principles that we had believed to be firm throughout our lives or lead us to do things that we never imagined. But what happens if that person to whom we have given our hearts leaves us or dies? What happens if we feel like dying of love?

We know many stories about couples who die within days of each other. They are mostly older people and this death is often associated with a powerful feeling of love.

Although in other cases it is also believed that their strong dependence on each other causes them to sink into a state of depression, in which stopping eating and taking care of themselves causes the terrible end.

However, can you die of love? Can this be a reality or is there any possibility that there is a scientific explanation for it? Today we will answer all these questions …

Dying of love, is it viable?

Surely you have ever heard a case in which a person dies and soon after his or her husband or wife dies. And it is that many people never manage to overcome the death of the loved one and this seems to be the cause of a sudden death.

Woman with depression wanting to die for love

Can the very pain of loss make the body sick? Can a person die simply by deciding that they no longer want to live? In short, can you really die of love?

In principle, it is difficult to find a scientific answer, since there are no gauges of the immune system. Some experts have tried to shed some light on the subject by looking for the relationship between the grief over the loss of a loved one and whether these changes can be reflected in the body itself.

In fact, many argue that sadness seems to be related to some diseases and that if we add to this poor diet and lack of sleep, this can end up taking a toll on health.

Studies carried out tell us about the reality of dying of love

On the other hand, a study published in the journal Epidemiology of 58,000 couples since 1991 has revealed that around 40% of women and 26% of men die within three years of the death of the loved one.

With which it seems plausible to affirm that losing a partner can have a direct impact on life expectancy. Many of the respondents stated that they felt as if a part of their body had actually been removed or as if it had been split in half.

In any case, Dr. Freddie Negron, a specialist in palliative medicine at the Miami Vitas Institute, defends the mind / body / mourning theory. This means that the causes for which a couple could die after the death of the loved one could be in a latent heart disease that is aggravated by depression.

Therefore, the majority of people who die from a heart attack, would have already presented a propensity for it. Anxiety, depression and sadness are what finally end up bringing up the problem.

Woman evicted for love

However, there is still no clear scientific evidence that it is possible to die of love, and so far everything seems related to the bad habits of life that are followed after the death of the loved one, or with the worsening of an existing disease caused by sadness and anxiety caused by the loss of a loved one.

With which, the key to everything seems to be more in how the grief is coped, than in the pain of the loss itself. But we will have to wait and see what future studies say to give a more resounding answer to this question.

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