Studying Psychology: A Whole Experience

If you decide to study the career of Psychology, surely you need to know its lights and shadows. In addition, studying this career will allow you to live unique experiences.
Studying Psychology: a whole experience

Today, Psychology is beginning to enjoy the recognition it deserves. Its applications are increasingly known in all areas of our lives. At the same time, more and more universities are offering the degree and, therefore, there are more graduates and graduates.

Although it has always been very popular, the career of Psychology has taken a leading role in the last decade. But, as in any degree, the career of Psychology has its lights and its shadows. Let’s review them.

The myth of personal growth

Many people think that studying Psychology is equivalent to a path of self-knowledge and personal development typical of the Tibetan culture. This is just one of many myths.

Despite the mysticism that surrounds this degree, it is still a degree, in which there are better and worse teachers and very diverse subjects. Physiological psychology, research methods in psychology, psychometrics … all of them very different and very necessary for the global understanding of human behavior.

Drawing of a person's head with a puzzle piece

The belief that this race promotes thought, reflection, criticism or dialogue is also common. If you are attracted to these four entities, perhaps your career is Philosophy and not Psychology.

A few decades ago, the degree in psychology was framed within the career of Philosophy and Letters, as a specialization. In that context, perhaps there would be a promotion of these entities. Today, Psychology belongs to the health sciences and its subjects and contents are not the same as before.

This does not mean that someone who studies this career will not grow personally. But personal growth surely has to do with choosing the career that you like and make you happy, more than with the career itself.

“I’m studying psychology, I’m going to buy the white coat”

Another common expectation is that of the “white coat.” Perhaps this expectation arises when you begin to study the degree and are given more clinical subjects. It is very common to believe that just after finishing the degree, we will have our own office or clinic and we will treat many patients on a daily basis.

Although psychology has many career opportunities, clinical (or general health) psychology is the preferred area of ​​students. Now, this expectation is, perhaps, the one that is furthest from reality.

Why? Because, first of all, to be able to practice in Spain as a general health psychologist, you must have a Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology. In other words, someone with a recent degree in psychology cannot give psychology therapy.

Then, if what you want is to have your own practice, you have to make a considerable financial investment in terms of rent, self-employment, professional college, etc.

Psychologist doing psychological therapy

Unique experiences

Despite the fact that some expectations do not correspond to reality, studying Psychology is well worth it. Psychology is in charge of studying human behavior and that object of study is very broad. So much so that we will have the opportunity to discover many fields of knowledge. This is quite an open-minded experience. Although, yes, the fact that there are so many fields of study within this degree can make it difficult to choose one of them.

On the other hand, as far as students are concerned, the profiles of people with a certain sensitivity and commitment to people’s problems predominate. Beyond profiles, there is a lot of diversity, many different motivations on the part of the students, and that greatly enriches the experience of studying Psychology.

Perhaps, although in the academic field Psychology is not a career that especially encourages debate or reflection, in extra-academic areas it is possible to reflect and debate about the discipline itself, how its applications should be, long etc.

Finally, studying Psychology allows us to discover facts that were in front of us but that we did not know. It allows to apply the knowledge that has been acquired immediately. But, above all, studying Psychology enables people to improve the quality of life and increase people’s happiness, which makes it one of the most beautiful careers that exist.

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