Know If Your Relationship Is Healthy

Know if your relationship is healthy

How to distinguish a healthy couple relationship? In the early stages of a relationship it is normal to see the world in a rosy color. This sometimes makes some people feel like they are wearing a mask that prevents them from seeing their relationship as it is. Sadly less healthy than it should be. There are signs that something is wrong and it is important to identify them.

What should a healthy relationship have?

Couple with a healthy relationship

A healthy relationship must have the following characteristics :

  • Confidence : it is normal to feel jealous occasionally, because it is a natural emotion. But the important thing is to know that you have them and that, on multiple occasions, in addition to being irrational, they are inflated. Therefore, the normal thing is that it ends up damaging the couple. Hence, a healthy relationship cannot exist if there is no trust.
  • Honesty: according to the above, it is necessary to clarify that it is difficult to trust the other when a member of the couple is not being honest. When the other is caught in a lie, trust collapses and the relationship travels through very unstable territory.
  • Respect : this concept includes many others within it. In a relationship, respect means valuing, caring, understanding, understanding and loving.
  • Good communication: It is not convenient to suppress a feeling about your partner simply because he does not like to hear it. With tact, everything can be explained. It is important that there is good communication between the two of you and that you tell each other what you think of each other openly and always with respect.
  • Support: You  must support each other, both in good times and in bad times. You must be by your partner’s side both to congratulate her on her successes, and to comfort her and offer her your shoulder in delicate moments.
  • Equality: in a relationship there must be a certain balance, because if this is not the case, the relationship becomes a power struggle or submission. Both paths lead to unhappiness.
  • Time for each one: in a healthy relationship you  have to know how to make concessions. And each one must know how to enjoy their time as they did before being together. You do not have to give up seeing your friends or stop doing the activities you like. You are not two Siamese twins, but a couple formed by two people, who have to realize themselves as a couple, but also individually.

Unhealthy relationships

Relationship of pair with jealousy

An unhealthy relationship has characteristics such as disrespect or controlling and abusive actions, whether physical or verbal on the part of a partner. Most of the time it is usually because these abusive people have grown up around this type of behavior, which, for them, is normal. But nothing could be further from the truth … Because it is not at all.

Although the other person may feel bad about knowing that their partner has been abused in childhood, the other member of the couple must know how to take care of themselves. Always be aware that a relationship cannot be healthy when the other exerts abusive behavior.

Signs that can alert

Ask yourself if … 

  • The other person gets angry if you are not available.
  • Criticize the way you dress or behave.
  • They won’t let you go out or talk to your friends.
  • It doesn’t let you do the activities you like.
  • It makes you feel bad when you are happy. 
  • He insults you if you contradict him.

Reflecting on any of these warning signs is essential, because a healthy relationship is based on freedom, respect and dialogue.


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