The Benefits Of Wine For Our Health

The benefits of wine for our health


There are many occasions in which we tell you the benefits of certain foods for our health and why it is so important to integrate them into our daily habits.

Following the premise of “We are the ones who eat” , today I will talk about a great food that always taken with caution and responsibility can benefit us in a healthy and balanced way: wine and its star compound, resveratrol.


Why is resveratrol so healthy?


Surely many of you have already heard of resveratrol at some time. It is a compound that is found in red wine and, therefore, in grapes . We also find it present in other plants such as cocoa.

A series of properties  and benefits for our health have been attributed to this compound . Among them we find one of the most important : it reduces the risk of age-related diseases.

After conducting one of the latest studies of this compound, a team of scientists from the Scripps Research Institute in La Joya , California (USA) has revealed the best kept secret of resveratrol: it stimulates a stress response gene that activates a series of genes that protect the body from infection, even protecting us from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun’s rays.

One of the study experts Paul Schimmel ¸ confirmed to the journal Nature the following: “ This stress response  represents a stage in biology that we had missed, and it seems that resveratrol activates it in concentrations much lower than those used in the studies. previous ”.

This unique and healthy property on our body was not entirely confirmed since the positive effect of this phytoalexin was still a mystery. Thanks to this study, researchers have been able to reach this conclusion through the analysis of an ancient family of enzymes, the Arlt synthetases. These are in charge and work mainly in translating genetic material into the amino acid building blocks that later constitute proteins .

Due to this analysis they discovered that resveratrol in the process acted as a mimic of tyrosine , one of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins in our body.

According to scientists, resveratrol works as follows: it binds to the PARP-1 protein, activating it and producing a stress response factor. It also constitutes the DNA repair function . 

The verification of this theory was carried out in an experiment with mice injected with this compound. The researchers detected that the activation of this protein produced in the mice the acceleration of the functioning of several protective genes of the organism such as:

-The p53 gene. It is a tumor suppressor gene that can form in our body.

-The FOXO3A and SIRT6 genes. They are the longevity genes . They have always been related to wine, and more specifically to resveratrol.

The main person in charge of the study, Mathew Sajish clarifies the following: “ With these results it is more than possible that the  moderate consumption of a couple of glasses of red wine  would provide a person with enough resveratrol to cause a protective effect through this via ”.


What are the benefits of wine for our health?


But not only this compound is the star of this product on our body and its benefits. We also find the following benefits of consuming this drink in a responsible and balanced way:

-It is an ally against fat. Thanks to a study conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can say that e l red wine consumption activates the function of a gene that prevents the formation of new fat cells and helps mobilize existing . It helps us prevent obesity and overweight as we age.

-Helps us improve cognitive function. Moderate consumption improves brain function , preventing dementia. It is due to the fact that the high presence of antioxidants in its composition reduces inflammation, preventing the arteries from hardening and inhibiting coagulation, which would improve blood flow.

-He is an ally for our hearts. One drink a day helps to increase the levels of “good” cholesterol in the blood , preventing cardiovascular problems.

-Reduces the risk of cancer. The consumption of wine in a balanced way helps us reduce the formation of lung cancer in men  and blocks the growth of cancer cells in breast cancer .

-It is a pleasant complement. Tasting a glass of wine releases endorphins in two areas of our brain, increasing the sensation of pleasure. These results were confirmed by the University of California study. Red or blue tones in ambient light are more pleasant to taste than whitish or greenish tones.

Despite all these characteristics, healthy and beneficial for our body, Paul Schimmel declares: ” We believe that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Let’s hope that the studies on the great properties of wine and its consumption continue.

Remember that all of the above takes place if we make a moderate and balanced consumption of this product. It is very important to be aware that its compound is also made up of alcohol, which if we do not act responsibly, the damage we obtain may be much greater than the possible benefits .


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