Combat Loneliness With Wisdom

Fight the feeling of loneliness with wisdom

Loneliness can be destructive and cruel if we make it our enemy. But the society in which we live does not help us to perceive it differently. From a young age, they install in our minds the belief that being alone is something negative, something that distinguishes the unsuccessful from those who are not. However, in the event that you have to find yourself with loneliness, what are you going to do? Are you going to stop living life and enjoy it just because you don’t have anyone by your side?

The solution to all this is found in us, but we do not see it because we have to do something very important:  perform actions that, by inertia, seem to have to be done only with other people. But above all, it is necessary to free ourselves from that belief that loneliness is negative when in fact it can be one of the most enriching experiences we have ever been able to live.

Loneliness is a gift

On many occasions we do real nonsense to avoid being alone. We engage in relationships with others, we do things for other people so as not to “lose them” even if we don’t really feel like it … In short, a series of actions that we take so that others do not escape from our lives, because being alone is not something we conceive as possible.

Have you ever gone to the movies alone? Have you been encouraged to dine at your favorite restaurant without anyone else? How many times have you given up on a plan because no one wanted to join you? If you realize it, many times you limit yourself and do not enjoy what you want when you want it because of the fact that you have no one by your side. This is one of the biggest nonsense you can do.

woman enjoying her loneliness

It is true that there will be people around you who will look at you strangely, that perhaps your family will tell you that you are “sick in the head” for going alone to a bar or a disco. This will prompt you to listen to them and feed that erroneous belief that you have not yet been able to completely remove from your mind. But, if you stay true to yourself, if you don’t sacrifice your enjoyment for not having companions, then you will discover a whole world of possibilities.

Of course you are afraid of rejection, of feeling out of place. But who knows if in that place, suddenly, you find someone else? It is not that you go with that goal, you have to enjoy. But everything can happen because, believe it or not, there are some people who do things alone and who enjoy that loneliness no matter what others may think.

But, in solitude, we discover the wonderful feeling that we are responsible for our lives and that the rules that society has imposed and all those unwritten laws that say how we should live matter little. It is at that moment when we are alone where our hands shake because we have to take control of our lives. That scares us. How many times have we thought that we were free, when in fact we depended heavily on others.

We are not going to fool ourselves. Loneliness hurts because it confronts us with our greatest fears. However, pain is always transitory, never lasting longer than necessary. Loneliness pushes us to be ourselves, to untie ourselves from all those stupid beliefs and norms that we have considered absolute truths when in reality we were being pigeonholed.

It is not bad to be alone, even less to enjoy alone. Ignore those who make fun of you, as they contribute to the temptation to go back to the beginning, where dependence on others oppressed you. If loneliness appears in your life, do not deny it, do not try to avoid it by accumulating empty people who do not contribute anything to you. Embrace it, accept it and, above all, enjoy it. Because thanks to it you will enrich yourself, you will discover yourself and, without any doubt, you will grow.

Feet walking with fluttering butterflies

Images courtesy of Junne Leloo

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