9 Foods That Increase Serotonin And Dopamine

9 foods that increase serotonin and dopamine

Foods that increase serotonin and dopamine improve brain function, as well as mild depressive states or simple discouragement. We cannot forget that these two neurotransmitters harmonize blood pressure, enhance the quality of our rest and also provide that small dose of energy and well-being to face our days.

There are a large number of articles that report one of a number of foods that, by themselves, are capable of treating depression. Now, we must be careful with this type of information and capture the nuance, that detail that in a way has its logic but that must be adequately justified.

There are foods that, due to their nutritional components, favor and enhance that brain chemistry capable of alleviating the symptoms associated with depression, also improving our mood. However, something that multiple studies make clear is that

Maintaining a healthy diet where we include foods that increase serotonin and dopamine is a strategy that needs to be combined with a psychological approach and drug treatment. On the other hand, and if you do not suffer from depression, it  is advisable to consume these nutritional proposals for their associated benefits.

Happy woman watching the sunset

Foods that increase serotonin and dopamine

One aspect that we must clarify is that the levels of serotonin and dopamine fluctuate in our body for various reasons. Depression is one of them, however, there are many more that we must take into account:

  • Go through times with a lot of stress.
  • Maintain a diet rich in saturated fats, sugars, foods of industrial origin, etc.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Taking drugs that reduce the production of serotonin and dopamine.

Knowing all this, it never hurts to become aware of the importance of maintaining a proper diet and of course, establishing periodic reviews with our doctors to monitor our health.

Let’s see below the foods that we have at our disposal and that can favor the production of two of the most valuable neurotransmitters: serotonin and dopamine.

1. Oats

Oats are part of what are known as  “smart” carbohydrates. What does this mean? Basically there are foods that have a calming effect on the brain. One of them are complex carbohydrates (mostly whole foods), which also have another wonderful property: they favor the production of tryptophan, an essential amino acid from which serotonin is synthesized.

It is also interesting to know that oatmeal is a sensational proposal for our breakfast.

  • It offers us protein to start the day with energy.
  • Oats also have six of the eight essential amino acids : isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, and phenylalanine. All these elements are great to improve your spirits as soon as you start the day.
Woman eating foods that increase serotonin and dopamine

2. The banana

Among the foods that increase serotonin and dopamine, the banana is undoubtedly one of the most prominent. By itself it does not combat depression, but what it does do is give us a natural injection of energy, optimism and health. It achieves this because the effect of the banana on our brain is simply sensational:

  • It favors the production of tryptophan.
  • It provides us with vitamin A, C, K and B6, basic components to promote the synthesis and metabolism of multiple neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.
  • Banana is rich in natural sugars, which combined with its natural fiber, offer us an incredible contribution of strength and energy to overcome states of decay.

3. The eggs

Many today may avoid eggs for fear that it will raise their cholesterol levels. However, Dr. Ricardo Cepero Briz from the University of Zaragoza has confirmed in one of his studies that eggs take care of our health because they provide good cholesterol or HDL. The key is to consume them with balance.

Likewise, eggs, as well as dairy products, help us to produce tryptophan and vitamin B6, substances necessary for the production of serotonin and dopamine.

4. Chocolate

We are sure that more than one waited impatiently for the appearance of chocolate in this list. Indeed here it is and we can “give it away” on a daily basis. Especially in the mornings. Although yes, without exceeding  one ounce a day of dark chocolate, the purest and without sugar.

Thus, among the foods that increase serotonin and dopamine, chocolate is one of the favorites. In addition to being one of the most delicious foods, it provides us with exorphin, a natural analgesic that reduces pain. And it also offers us theobromine, a substance similar to caffeine that injects us with energy.

Pieces of chocolate

5. The pineapple

Sometimes we neglect the benefits that many of those fruits that we have at our fingertips bring us. Pineapple is undoubtedly one of those foods that should never be missing from our diet. The reason? We have many:

  • Pineapple relieves anxiety and is anti-inflammatory.
  • It is rich in vitamin C, ideal for promoting circulation, concentration and motivation.
  • It is very suitable at dinner, since it helps us produce melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  • Pineapple is diuretic and detoxifying.

As a curiosity. Pineapple became one of the most consumed foods in 2015. After a series of published studies endorsing its benefits for our health, it rose as the fruit of choice for the majority. It is a treasure trove of vitamins B1, B6, E, potassium, magnesium, iodine, copper, folic acid …

6. The salmon

Fish such as salmon or mackerel are rich in B vitamins. These essential nutrients are very necessary to promote the production of serotonin and dopamine. Likewise, as we have already indicated in our space, the  brain regularly needs that supply of omega-3 present in salmon, with which to improve processes such as our attention, memory or mood.

7. Chickpeas

They say of chickpeas that they are the ingredient of life. A phrase without a doubt very successful, because among the foods that increase serotonin and dopamine, this type of legume has been one of the most appreciated for centuries.

In fact, many countries have known since ancient times its virtues to improve mood and to confer energy. Hence, a good plate of hummus accompanied by olive oil, garlic and paprika is one of the most common and appreciated foods in the Middle East.

hummus, one of the foods that increase serotonin and dopamine

8. The pepper

Another of the foods that increase serotonin and dopamine is bell pepper. Especially if it is red. This tonality already warns us of its richness in antioxidants, and the brain loves it. Also, we can’t forget about capsaicin , a rare chemical compound that many love (and others avoid). That burning sensation that it produces increases our endorphin production and improves our well-being.

A secret: better to consume it naturally. Just a few strips in our salads and we will promote our internal balance and our good humor.

9. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds have wonderful nutritional properties.  Thus, and if this were not enough, our beloved “pipes” are rich in tryptophan, that essential amino acid to produce serotonin. They also contain a very high level of antioxidants and magnesium, a mineral necessary for the health of our brain.

Lastly, it is important to remember that sunflower seeds are naturally healthier. So better without salt, not other components. Just a handful in our salads or smoothies and we can take advantage of all its virtues.

sunflower seed, one of the foods that increase serotonin and dopamine

To conclude, it is possible that many of us include more than one food mentioned here in our daily lives. However, it should be remembered that everyone should be part of a balanced diet, as natural as possible and accompanied in turn by healthy lifestyle habits, where exercise and good stress and anxiety management are not lacking. Only in this way, we will favor that brain chemistry where well-being is felt, palpated and enjoyed.

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