10 Irrational Ideas That Break Relationships

Prejudice, family and even cultural influence have filled our minds with irrational beliefs about love. Discover some of them and why they can be toxic.
10 irrational ideas that break relationships

Irrational ideas are unfounded thoughts that cause us psychological discomfort. In the realm of couple relationships, irrational ideas are based on romantic love and, although they are shared by many people, in practice they threaten the quality of an authentic relationship.

The concept of romantic love gained strength in the Middle Ages and we could venture that it ended up being reinforced in the 20th century with the stories of defenseless princesses, Disney movies, pop ballads and Hollywood romantic comedies.

Irrational romantic ideas are strict, usually expressed with verbal formulas of obligation such as “should” or “should”  and revolve around how the person, the relationship or … love should be.

Albert Ellis, creator of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (RBT), in addition to his well-known 11 irrational ideas, has described throughout his publications as many absolute thoughts related to couple relationships.

We have selected the 10 irrational ideas that invade us most frequently and, to help you fight them, we propose a more realistic and relaxed thinking.

couple walking in front of giant flowers

1. I must be the ideal partner

Instead of this thought that we impose on ourselves as an obligation, we can greatly reduce the pressure if we replace it with the attempt to be a good partner, which entails respecting the other’s way of being and analyzing the possible wrong attitudes that we have.

2. Disappointing the other would be horrible

If we have this belief, something as possible as disappointing the partner could turn out to be tragic. Better to accept the possibility of this happening, but with the will to dialogue to assess whether the behavior that has generated the disappointment is susceptible to change.

3. My interests and needs must revolve around my partner and vice versa

Why? It is clear that it is better to share interests, but it is healthier that not everyone revolves around the other. In this case, a more flexible thought would be to want to make your own needs known to the other so that they are known and understood.

4. If something displeases me, it is better to keep quiet than to break the harmony

Swallowing words is indigestible. And in the long term, harmful. If we don’t like something, the best option is to analyze it objectively and talk about it.

5. We must agree, especially on important issues

It is almost impossible to agree 100% on all issues. Different points of view do not always imply discord, only a different vision of reality.

couple in the field

6. The other person will bring me the happiness I need

Holding the partner – or anyone else – responsible for our happiness is as false as it is dangerous. We don’t need anyone to be happy. The rational thought would be “I like having someone who loves me, but if I didn’t, I would be just as happy.”

7. We should never argue

If you think that arguing is a drama, you miss out on how interesting it is to contrast different ways of thinking and how rewarding it is to reach an agreement. The important thing is to know how to do it.

8. Since my partner loves me, he must know my thoughts and wishes without my having to communicate them.

This idea is held by many, many people. Having a partner does not grant you the gift of divination. If you hide your feelings, it is practically impossible for the other to guess what is happening to you or simply, how you are.

9. If you do not pay attention to me, it is because you are no longer interested in anything

Although the other person loves us, at times, they may be tired, angry or unwilling to give us their full attention. It is something normal and punctual that does not necessarily mean that he has stopped loving us.

10. If you are in love, you cannot be attracted to other people

Being attracted to other people comes naturally. We choose our partner because the relationship is based on other pillars besides physical attraction …

How many of these thoughts are you believing? Each of them can generate frustration because, being so far from reality, they probably will not come to fruition most of the time.

The conviction that the relationship should work under these precepts is only an agreement with yourself based on unrealistic romantic thoughts. Be more flexible and realistic, relax, trust, abandon fear and … enjoy life as a couple!

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